About a special new small non-profit that helps disabled people with durable equipment!

They raise funds through several fund raising programs, and then they buy some and are given some of their equipment that they then give to the disabled people who qualify. the qualify by either not having insurance or by their insurance refusing to pay for the prescriptions that their doctors have written for their equipment.
LWWM centers on the needs of the people. They currently have a need for two lift chairs for two individuals, a lady with severe arthritis and COPD, and a man in a nursing home who has severe edemas in his legs and needs a lift chair that also reclines to a flat level. These are only two of our needs. We also right now need a tri motor Hospital bed with hand control for a man who has a back broken in two places. His last of 4 major surjeries striped scar tissue off of his nerves and repaired the brakes in his backs where they had come loose frome previous surjeries. He has been in so much pain he is not sleeping well and has started having seziers due to lack of sleep, and being in constant pain even with a pain pump implanted and serious oral meds. A hospital bed with the motors will allow him to get in just the right position to be comfortable enough to sleep for hours, and stop the seizers.
These are just a few of the people we serve physically while being able to minister to them through Jesus Christ, and His love.
We currently have a number of metal crutch sets, a 500lb. Hoveround electric wheelchair and other durable equipment to place. To help Living Water Works Ministries you can go to http://livingwaterworks.110mb.com or http://lwwmarketing.110mb.com or email them with contributions at livingwaterworks@gmail.com
If you can it is worth supporting! Many are the small non-profits losing out and the people that they serve because of the downturn in the economy. But God's economy is not America's economy, especially since the secular Government wants to take all referance to God out of our nation. We are a nation founded by Christians to be a Christian nation where others had the freedom to come and worship as they will. Now in many places it is illegal to prey in Jesus name but not illegal to prey in Ala's name. This nation still clames to be 70% Christian or better but we won't stand up for it. We will let them run rufshod over us and our nation, or we can prey and stand up for our God to continue to Bless America
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