It has become more obvious year by year that there is a growing affront to sense and sense-abilities to the things of faith that pertain to Christian Living and teaching. To think that man places himself over God to try to deny his existence to someone who believes.
Let us ask ourselves why? Lawlessness can not abide to see itself as in the wrong. We all believe that we are wright in what we are doing, but when we know in truth that we are not then we dare to attack the correct way as wrong, even when we know deep down inside that it is not so.
The Idea that wrong attacks wright to make wrong better and greater than right is not only ludicrous but a lie. And what does God say is the future residence of those who lie, the eternal lake of fire. The individuals who persist in these activities will persist in telling a lie thinking if all the people of like them spout the same lie then it will become the truth to all the others. In politics for instance we see one group all have the same talking points that all of them have been told to speak thinking that if enough people continue telling the lie out of so many mouths in different plaes then it will make it the truth but truth always wins out in the end. Why? Because God The Father Almighty honors those that tell and walk in the truth. And like it or not the lie damages the one that tells it regardless of their belief system.
Governments sometimes become their own worst enemies when they continually set their standards on lying to their selves and to their people! Satan is quoted to be the Father Of Lies, and God is not capable of lying because it is not in Him.
Please look at what has been happening in these United States and see where the most consistant group of lies has been coming from and realize that it is out of the education system that is changing drastically that are allowing the continual attacks against those of Christian Faith. We must seek to bring truth back in government.
For when truth prevails, there is a greater opportunity for good for all to flourish. May you seek God and His truth and then compare it to the reality being told the wromng way in our country today. Never put down those who stand for truth, for they stand with the one who started it all, Jesus Christ who died for you.
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